The Fresno Grizzlies apologized Monday night for playing a Memorial Day video between games during its doubleheader. The video features a speech from President Reagan's first inaugural address, but then at the three-minute mark images appear of Antifa, Kim Jong-un, Fidel Castro, and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, with Regan stating "As for the enemies of freedom, those who are potential adversaries..."
The Fresno Grizzlies released a statement:
"We are aware of the problem with the Memorial Day tribute video shown in the ballpark between games of Monday’s doubleheader.
“A pre-produced video from outside our front office was selected; unfortunately what was supposed to be a moving tribute ended with some misleading and offensive editing, which made a statement that was not our intent and certainly not our opinion.
“We apologize to our fans and to our community for the error and for not properly vetting the video. We also apologize to those who have served and are currently serving the country for the undue distraction on such a solemn day.
“We’re embarrassed we allowed this video to play without seeing it in its entirety first. We unconditionally apologize to Rep. Ocasio-Cortez in addition to those we hurt. It was a mistake and we will ensure that nothing like it ever happens again.”