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College Graduates Would Spend a Week in Jail to Get Student Debt Erased

Guitar case open with money for tips with "College Tuition" sign

There's no question that student loan debt is outrageous in the United States. According to the Federal Reserve, it's the second highest consumer debt category, falling behind mortgages.

A study was conducted by OnePoll where they surveyed 1,000 undergraduates and 1,000 post graduates and they found that 89% of them viewed their debt as a burden.

So what would they do to erase their student debt?

  • Shave their head (51%)
  • Walk to work for a month (49%)
  • Do high school over again (40%)
  • Never have caffeine again (40%)
  • Work a year with no time off (40%)
  • Spend a week in jail (39%)

Photo: Getty Imag

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