Facebook Denies Heng Ad, Wants Extra Step From PowerTalk

Republican Candidate, Elizabeth Heng and Facebook blocking her political AD are making headlines today. Heng took to Twitter to show how Facebook rejected her AD because it "doesn't follow advertising policies." She said it must have been "too shocking" for their platform as the AD reflects on the horrific events her parents encountered while living in Cambodia. 

Video Link: https://www.facebook.com/elizabethheng/videos/1886765958288459/

Yesterday, August 6th, 2018 Heng stepped into the studio with Trevor Carey and spoke about her blocked video. Since making headlines, the PowerTalk social media team decided to repost the interview on Facebook and run it as an AD. Facebook then rejected us and said we needed to "confirm our identity" before posting about political content. As a news talk platform, we have never encountered this with Facebook. They've even asked for the last four of our social security number. 

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